Hi all, just stumbled onto this forum and had to visit. I have fond memories of 808 state back in the day. Still have tapes somewhere in my loft lol. Used to club all over manchester and the northwest. here are a few ov my faves, wot i can remember lol
Millionaires/wiggly worm
love shack
Am still keepin the faith, it just doesnt compare to back in the day tho !
If you went to the hippodrome check us out at www.the-hippodrome.co.uk , We have managed to collate pics, rare rave footage and the recent demolition on video, With also a growing forum , And soon to be announced news of the reunion 4.
Greetings from the hippodrome
Moderators: Ancodia, Pob, markus, nickking
Nice one. We've got two or three dates in the live section. http://www.808state.com/live/ Flyers always welcome, this is one:
There's a good site on the Hippodrome here (found whilst putting together the live pages) - some decent flyers on there.
Shame the flyers were binned - yeah, they still fetch quite a bit out there on ebayland - I grab 808-related ones (for the site), but there are those that buy all sorts - bit like cigarette cards, I suppose?
Shame the flyers were binned - yeah, they still fetch quite a bit out there on ebayland - I grab 808-related ones (for the site), but there are those that buy all sorts - bit like cigarette cards, I suppose?
The link you posted mate was our first attempt m8 lol, we then started hippodromeravers on yahoo. we then started the website and the new forum. Like u i'm always searchin for stuff for the website, pics, flyers, videos and old regulars ov hippos for the forum. It becomes addictive / habit. We have done 3 reunions so far each one getting better. The 4th one is in its planning stages it promises to be even better.